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    Heavy Weather: Tempestuous Tales of Stranger Climes

    This addition to the Tales of the Weird series offers stories from the increasingly relevant subject of ecological disaster, and strange climates exploring a slightly peculiar side of the horror genre.

    “The sound seemed everywhere; it seemed to emanate from the unleashed forces of the storm itself; its rasping moan was a demoniacal cry, screaming a weird defiance into the teeth of the mighty monsoon.”

    Since ancient times literature has been awash with tales of strange weather; accounts of nature’s real destructive power blending into mythology, fantasy and folklore. This new collection gathers the best stories of ecological upset, nightmarish meteorological extremes and inexplicable atmospheric phenomena from the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, when pioneering authors began to weave the otherworldliness of environmental disturbances into supernatural or uncanny experiences.

    With stories from Algernon Blackwood, Herman Melville, Mary Shelley, Daphne du Maurier and many more, this foray into severe winters, stifling heats, roiling oceans and piercing gales offers the perfect read on a rainy day – or night.

    Publication date: 18/02/21

    Author: Edited by Kevan Manwaring

    Brand: British Library Publishing

    Number of pages: 336 pages

    Binding: Paperback

    Dimensions: 190 x 130 mm