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    Uncanny Ireland: Otherworldly Tales of the Strange and Sublime

    At moonrise I lit the fire and cried out the wild little invocation that Neoineen and I had made – gave way to all the crazy anguish withinme – chanted it loud enough for the hills to hear.

    Entwined in Ireland’s rich literary history is a vibrant vein of strange fiction, drawing upon a deep folkloric tradition in which unbound spirits, revenants from the grave and the aos sí fairy folk tread a path of disorder through the mortal world.

    Delving into this haunting realm, Uncanny Ireland unearths twenty short tales from the past two centuries, ranging from accounts of weird folklore and rare reimagined myths to classic ghost stories and modern spectral chillers. Featuring weird tales from Sheridan Le Fanu, Elizabeth Bowen, W. B. Yeats, Dorothy Macardle and many more, this collection invites you on a sinister yet satisfying journey into the otherworldly unknown.

    Publication date: 27/06/2024

    Author: edited by Maria Giakaniki

    Brand: British Library Publishing

    Number of pages: 288

    Binding: Hardback

    Dimensions: 210 x 149 mm