The Undying Monster: A Tale of the Fifth Dimension - British Library Online Shop

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    The Undying Monster: A Tale of the Fifth Dimension

    "Where grow pines and firs amain,
    Under Stars, sans heat or rain,
    Chief of Hammand, ‘ware thy Bane!’"

    So goes the ancient rhyme of the Hammands, a family hounded for centuries by a ferocious beast whose visitations wreak death and disorder. Now, in the wake of the First World War, siblings Oliver and Swanhild are the last of the Hammands, safe again at their ancestral home in the South Downs – until Oliver is beset by a creature in the pines by night. Desperate to dispel the curse, the siblings call on the occult detective Luna Bartendale to help unearth the dark origins of the Undying Monster and unshackle them from a savage doom.

    First published in 1922, this cult novel is a heady brew of black magic lore, Norse mythology and weird mysteries spilling out of an eldritch ‘fifth dimension’ – complete with the first female occult detective to appear in an English novel, the ‘White Witch‘ Luna Bartendale.

    Publication date: 22/02/2024

    Author: Jessie Douglas Kerruish

    Brand: British Library Publishing

    Number of pages: 304

    Binding: Paperback

    Dimensions: 190 x 130

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