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    The Philosophy of Pickles and Fermented Foods

    Fermented food is playing a significant role in the developing discussion around gut health and the microbiome. More than the latest health trend, pickling and fermentation are techniques that have been used by human populations across the globe in food preparation for millennia. And they are part of a region’s cultural heritage, passed from generation to generation, whether it’s the Korean kimjang – the making and sharing of kimchi – the Japanese preparation of the nukadoko or pickling bed, or the brine  fermented fruits and vegetables of Georgia. Thom Eagle celebrates this fascinating history, explaining the different techniques and offering practical advice for enthusiasts.

    Publication date: 12/09/2024

    Author: Thom Eagle

    Brand: British Library Publishing

    Number of pages: 112

    Binding: Hardback

    Dimensions: 200 x 130 mm